International Workshop: "Access to abortion services in the EU: How accessible are they?"

Jue, 18-05-2017; 00:00 hasta Vie, 19-05-2017; 00:00

Sala Menéndez Pidal 0E18

Organiza: Rosana Triviño & Txetxu Ausín (IFS-CSIC)

This workshop is part of the research project ProtoAccess: Comparative study of protocols for accessing the interruption of pregnancy in the European Union developed at the Institute for Philosophy (IFS) of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and funded by the Fundació Víctor Grífols i Lucas [BEC-2016-011] in cooperation with the research project KONTUZ!-2 The Responsibility for Omission of Due Care [FFI2014-53926-R] and NewTrus Cm: Program on Culture of Lawfulness [S2015/HUM-3466]

International Workshop: "Access to abortion services in the EU: How accessible are they?"
Cartel3.78 MB
Programa11.45 MB
Dpto. de Filosofía, Cultura y Sociedad
Grupo de Ética Aplicada (GEA)