Seminarios del Grupo Redes de Poder en las Sociedades Medievales: "The transformation of the glass industry in the Mediterranenan world between the 8th and 13th century: an interdisciplinary approach to trace the socio-cultural changes in Sicily"

Jue, 21-03-2024; 12:00

Sala Juan Cabré 2D

Por Francesca Colangeli (Università di Genova Dipartimento DAFIST, Dipto di Antichità, Filosofia e Storia)

Organiza: Grupo Redes de Poder en las Sociedades Medievales (IH-CSIC)


Seminarios del Grupo Redes de Poder en las Sociedades Medievales: "The transformation of the glass industry  in the Mediterranenan world  between the 8th and 13th century:  an interdisciplinary approach to trace  the socio-cultural changes in Sicily"
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Dpto. de Estudios Medievales
Redes de Poder en las Sociedades Medievales