Curso de formación: "On Field Experimental Design and Data Acquisition (Field data, RS data)"

Sun, 11-03-2018; 00:00 hasta Sun, 18-03-2018; 00:00
Otras sedes

Lugar: Navalmoral de la Mata (Cáceres)

Organiza: Mirco Migliavacca (Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Jena. Germany) and María Pilar Martín Isabel (IEGD-CSIC)

This Training school, which is part of the training program for the ESRs, aims to give the students the possibility of experiencing different RS applications (e.g. precision farming and ecosystem modelling). The lectures will provide the background for organizing a field campaign (i.e. field and RS data acquisition) and will provide to ESRs the state of the art of the integration of PTs and EFPs with carbon, water and energy fluxes. Data calibration and processing chain will be also taught. During the practice, ESRs will cooperate in field data acquisition using different instrumentations (e.g. portable high resolution spectro-radiometers and different ecosystem sensors such as gas analyser, active fluorometer -at leaf and canopy level-, terrestrial laser scanner).

Curso de formación: "On Field Experimental Design and Data Acquisition (Field data, RS data)"
Dpto. de Economía y Geografía Aplicadas
Análisis Geográfico Multiescalar del Cambio Global