Open Access Week Roundtable: Open Access & Open Metrics: Best practices for Social Sciences
Lugar: Sala del Capitolo, Badia Fiesolana, European University Institute, Via della Badia dei Roccettini, 9 (Fiesole, Italia)
Joint EUI session on Open Access publishing through Cadmus, Open Data and ORCID
Participa: Isidro F. Aguillo (Head, Cybermetrics Lab, IPP-CSIC), Editor Rankings Web (Webometrics)
Discussant: Prof. Giorgio Monti (EUI)
Horario: 9.30-13.00h.,
Abstract: EU is building a brand new road from Open Access (OA) to Open Science. A key component of this initiative is the development of the so-called Metrics 2.0, a new framework for evaluation procedures that focus on the author level indicators and takes into accounts both academic and social impact. The presentation introduces recent developments in this field commenting on the current situation of the green (repositories) and gold (APCs) paths to OA, the increasing concerning role of the academic social networks (ResearchGate, Academia, Mendeley) and their unreliable indicators, part of the over-hyped, although interesting, altmetrics' "revolution" and the new bibliometric super-tools (Google Scholar, Microsoft Academic). A special focus on author profiles, describing their monitoring capabilities, will give the justification for describing a series of best practices for increasing the citation and related impacts of the papers, researchers and institutions through their promotion as brands in the academic webspace. The final section will include practical advices about recommended techniques and reliable tools prioritizing Social sciences related examples.