Segundo Workshop de AERNA sobre Teoría de Juegos y Medio Ambiente

Mon, 04-09-2017; 00:00 hasta Tue, 05-09-2017; 00:00

Venue: Institute for Public Goods and Policies, CSIC, Albasanz, 26 (Madrid). Classroom Herbert A. Simon 3D

Organizing Committee: Carmen Arguedas, Alejandro Caparrós and Michael Finus.

Game Theory analyses strategic situations where one agent’s actions affect other agents’ outcomes, and vice versa. Game Theory is particularly useful for analyzing problems dealing with externalities and public goods, which are key features of most environmental problems. As a result, Game Theory has been applied extensively in environmental and natural resource economics over the last decades.

Building on the success of the First Workshop celebrated in 2015, the Workshop will bring together researches affiliated to the AERNA Working Group on Game Theory and Environmental and Resource Economics, and invites submissions of papers that deal with environmental and resource economics problems using any of the branches of Game Theory. Theoretical and empirical contributions are welcome, including, but not limited to, coalition formation, dynamic games, bargaining, behavioral economics and experimental economics.

Although completed papers are welcome, the Workshop encourages particularly the submission of ongoing research or papers which are not completely finished. The format of the meeting (with about one hour per presentation) will allow extensive discussions about each one of the papers accepted. Submissions by PhD students are particularly encouraged.

There is no registration fee. Lunch, soft drinks and coffee will be served during the workshop free of charge. Each participant is supposed to cover the remaining own expenses.

Horario: 9:00-18:00h.

Segundo Workshop de AERNA sobre Teoría de Juegos y Medio Ambiente
Poster1.67 MB
Programme7.44 MB
Dpto. de Economía y Política
Grupo de Economía Ambiental (GEA)