Research Workshop on "Ethics and Child Public Health"

Thu, 10-11-2016; 00:00 hasta Fri, 11-11-2016; 00:00

Sala José Gaos 3C

Organiza: Txetxu Ausín (IFS, CCHS-CSIC)

Txetxu Ausín (Madrid)
Mar Cabezas (Salzburg)
Gunter Graf (Salzburg)
Ana Marcos (Madrid)
Eduardo Osuna (Murcia)
Gottfried Schweiger (Salzburg)
Elena Syurina (Maastricht)
Sarah Lázare & Jordi Vallverdú (Barcelona)
Sridhar Venkatapuram (London)
Garrath Williams (Lancaster)

This workshop is part of the research project  "Social Justice and Child Poverty“ Funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF): P26480
In cooperation with the JuriLog Group of the Institute for Philosophy of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) And the Projects: KONTUZ!-2 (MINECO FFI2014-53926-R); JUDEAS (DER2013-41462-R), JUSTICIA Y DEMOCRACIA: HACIA UN NUEVO MODELO DE SOLIDARIDAD (FFI2015-64858-P); E-SALUD Y AUTONOMÍA DEL PACIENTE VULNERABLE A LA LUZ DEL BIODERECHO (SÉNECA 19486/PI/14)

Research Workshop on "Ethics and Child Public Health"
Poster300.6 KB
Programa510.21 KB
Dpto. de Filosofía, Cultura y Sociedad
Grupo de Ética Aplicada (GEA)