Heritage Conservation Laboratory (LACOPAT)
The Heritage Conservation Laboratory (LACOPAT) is linked to the research group “Material Culture and Heritage (CERVITRUM)” and is attached to the Department of History of Art and Heritage from the Institute of History. It was created on April 6, 2015 by resolution of the VICYT. The laboratory provides technical and instrumental support to this research group in the development of its main lines of research: chemical-physical characterization, state of conservation, diagnosis of degradation processes, and preventive conservation strategies of inorganic materials (such as glasses, ceramics, and related materials) from the Cultural Heritage.
The laboratory also provides the following technological offer:
1) Preparation, conditioning, characterization, and analysis of materials through individual analytical determinations or studies and scientific-technical advice.
2) Evaluations of environmental acidity through pH sensors. They are undertaken with equipments for full environmental evaluation or through set of sensors whose response is then tested in the laboratory.
Technical staff of the laboratory:
Fernando Agua Martínez (technician in charge)
Research Laboratories