Francisco Javier
Sanz Cañada

Senior Scientist
Dept. of Applied Economics and Geography
Agro-Food Systems and Territorial Development
916022408 / Extensión interna: 441165

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Coordinator of the Agro-food Systems and Territorial Development research group of the Institute of Economics, Geography and Demography (IEGD/CSIC) since 2014. From 2011 to 2019, he was the Vice-Director of the IEGD/CSIC. He has been since 2008 the scientific coordinator of the Local Agri-food Systems European Research Group, made up of more than 20 European centres, Since 2018, he has been Secretary of the Editorial Board of Estudios Geográficos scientific journal, published by CSIC. Dr. Sanz’s field of research is at the confluence of territorial studies, agrifood and environmental social sciences. His focus is the territorial research of local agrifood systems and alternative food networks from an agro-ecological perspective. He has concentrated especially on territorial analysis of the olive oil sector.

Dr. Sanz has participated in numerous panels of international experts: UNESCO Chair on World Food Systems, Montpellier (2011/15); Knoleum Olive Tree Landscapes Network (2007/8); panels of the Andalusian Regional Government for the Olive Tree Law (2009); Forum on Sustainable Olive Production in Andalusia (2009); World Wildlife Fund Forum on mountain olive groves (2015/17); and the European BigPicnic project on botanic gardens and food security (2016/19). He has been the coordinator of the Agro-ecology and Circular Bioeconomy Challenge of the CSIC Strategic Plan (2019/2020). He is now expert responsible for agro-ecological cooperative logistics iniriatives for the White Book on Sustainable Food, funded by Carasso Fondation and Alternativas Fondation.

As principal researcher, he has coordinated different research projects of the Spanish National Plan on analysis and valuation of territorial externalities in local agrifood systems (2010/13 and 2013/16) and on problems of vertical competition in local quality foods (decade of 2000). He has also specialised in scientific cooperation with Latin America and with the Euro-Mediterranean countries: EU Euromed Heritage II programme (2002-6); EU-Mexico Internat. Science and Technology Cooperation Fund under the 7th EU Framework Programme (2009/11); projects of the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) (1990s); Mexican National Plan projects (CONACYT) and the PAPIIT programme of UNAM in Mexico (3 times each in the period 2008/19), and the current FONTAGRO project, financed by the International Development Bank and IICA (2017-21). In terms of technology and knowledge transfer programmes, he has coordinated CSIC’s participation in the National Plan programmes on Technological Platforms and networks on olive groves and olive oil (2006-11).

He has been awarded the following research prizes: 20th National Prize for Agricultural, Fishing and Food Publications (1992), José Cascón Prize for Doctoral Theses (College of Agricultural Engineers, 1991) and 2nd Prize from the Caja Rural Foundation in 2014. He was president of the Scientific Committee of the CIER XII Ibero-American Congress of Rural Studies (2018) and the 3rd Internat. Congress on Local Agrifood Systems (LAFS, 2006). He has sat on the scientific committees of numerous international congresses and seminars: the IV-IX Internat. Conferences on LAFS, 7 occasions (2006/20), the Internat. Organic Olive Grove Conference "ECOLIVA 2008", the Internat. Seminaire "Les produits de terroir" in Antalya (Turkey, 2008) and the 1st Internat. Seminar on Food and Nutritional Security (FAO, IICA...; Ecuador, 2020).

    Datos tomados de la base de datos ConCiencia

    Rescia, A.J.; Sanz-Cañada, J.; Del Bosque-González, I. (2017). A new mechanism based on landscape diversity for funding farmer subsidies. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 37.
    Rodríguez Sousa, A.A.; Barandica, J.M.; Sanz-Cañada, J.; Rescia, A.J. (2019). Application of a dynamic model using agronomic and economic data to evaluate the sustainability of the olive grove landscape of Estepa (Andalusia, Spain). Landscape Ecology.
    López-Pintor, A.; Sanz-Cañada, J.; Salas, E.; Rescia, A.J. (2018). Assessment of agri-environmental externalities in Spanish socio-ecological landscapes of olive groves. Sustainability, 10.
    Vielka Melisa Rodríguez Guerra; Javier Sanz-Cañada; Tomás García Azcarate (2017). Canales Cortos de Comercialización en Panamá: factores condicionantes de las iniciativas promotoras. Estudios Sociales - Revista de Alimentación Contemporánea y Desarrollo regional, 27, 1-19.
    Sanz-Cañada, J.; Muchnik, J. (2016). Geographies of origin and proximity: Approaches to local agro-food systems. Culture&History Digital Journal, 5.
    Sanz-Cañada, J. (2016). Local agro-food systems in america and Europe. Territorial anchorage and local governance of identity-based foods. Culture&History Digital Journal, 5.
    Sánchez-Escobar, F.; Coq-Huelva, D.; Sanz-Cañada, J. (2018). Measurement of sustainable intensification by the integrated analysis of energy and economic flows: Case study of the olive-oil agricultural system of Estepa, Spain. Journal of Cleaner Production, 201, 463-470.
    Sanz Cañada, Javier; García Azcárate, Tomás (2020). Paisajes, patrimonio y gobernanza territorial de los sistemas agroalimentarios locales. Estudios Geograficos, 81.
    Sanz-Cañada, Javier; Belletti, Giovanni; Lagoma, Cristina (2018). Politics and territorial governance of food consumer groups in the district of Lavapiés, Madrid. Ager. Revista de Estudios sobre Despoblación y Desarrollo Rural, 25, 65-97.
    Torres-Salcido, G.; Sanz-Cañada, J. (2018). Territorial governance. A comparative research of local agro-food systems in Mexico. Agriculture, 8.
    Pensado-Leglise, M.D.R.; Sanz-Cañada, J. (2018). Valuation of a Protected Geographical Indication. The case of the meat of the Sierra de Guadarrama, Spain Valorización de una Indicación Geográfica Protegida. El caso de la carne de la Sierra de Guadarrama, España. Revista Mexicana De Ciencias Pecuarias, 9, 451-465.
    Coq-Huelva, D.; Sanz-Cañada, J.; Sánchez-Escobar, F. (2017). Values, conventions, innovation and sociopolitical struggles in a local food system: Conflict between organic and conventional farmers in Sierra de Segura. Journal of Rural Studies, 55, 112-121.
    Sanz Cañada, Javier; Yacamán Ochoa, Carolina (2022). Innovación y Alimentación Sostenible. Políticas y modelos cooperativos de logística y comercialización. En La España rural: retos y oportunidades de futuro (pp. 333-346). Editorial: Cajamar Caja Rural.
    Sanz Cañada, Javier (2017). Investigación, innovación y transferencia sobre medio ambiente y territorio en los sistemas oleícolas locales en España. En Economía y comercialización de los aceites de oliva. Factores y perspectivas para el liderazgo español del mercado global (pp. 489-508). Editorial: Cajamar Caja Rural.
    Sanz Cañada, Javier; Yacamán Ochoa, Carolina (2022). Logística y distribución asociativa. En Libro Blanco de la Alimentación Sostenible en España (pp. 209-226). Editorial: Fundación Alternativas/FES y Fundación Carasso.
    Sanz Cañada, Javier; Lagoma Gutiérrez, Cristina; Lozenko, Alla (2018). Los grupos y cooperativas de consumo agroecológico de Lavapiés, Madrid: política, organización y gobernanza territorial. En Sistemas agroalimentarios locales de proximidad. Contextos rururbanos en México y España (pp. 43-72). Editorial: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM).
    Sanz Cañada, Javier; Yacamán, Carolina (2021). Prioridades en políticas e innovaciones sociales en logística y distribución de alimentos sostenibles en España. En Sistemas agroalimentarios sostenibles, innovadores e inclusivos para una sociedad en transformación (pp. 191-194). Editorial: Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (UPCT).
    Cendón, María Laura; Sanz-Cañada, Javier; Lucena, Delio (2017). Redes de innovación y colaboración en el Sistema Agroalimentario Localizado de aceite de oliva de Sierra Mágina (Andalucía, España). En Gobernanza territorial y Sistemas Agroalimentarios Localizados en la nueva ruralidad (pp. 38-46). Editorial: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM).
    Sanz Cañada, Javier; Oñederra Aramendi, Aintzira (2019). Sistemas agroalimentarios locales alternativos en la Comunidad de Madrid: innovaciones sociales y gobernanza territorial. En XII Congreso de economía agraria: La Sostenibilidad Agro-territorial desde la Europa Atlántica (pp. 382-385). Editorial: Asociación Española de Economía Agraria.
    Delgadillo Macías, Javier; Sanz Cañada, Javier (2018). Sistemas agroalimentarios locales de proximidad en contextos rururbanos de España y México (pp. 272). Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM).