Cruz Castro

Research Professor
Dept. of Science and Innovation
Systems and Policies for Research and Innovation (SPRI)
916022538 / Extensión interna: 441461

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I am Research Professor at the Institute of Public Goods and Policies of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC). My research topic is the research system: the set of social, organizational and political structures and processes that influence the production of knowledge. Studying and characterizing the “actors” is important, but what is essential is to analyze their interactions through some key processes. Some of these key processes are career access and promotion, evaluation and research funding, legitimation mechanisms, and organizational reform and adaptation processes. In my projects and throughout over 80 publications, I have made scientific contributions precisely on these connections and interactions between actors within the framework of processes, contributing to the generation of knowledge in various ways. My research has been funded by competitive national and European sources, being the Principal Investigator of 9 research projects and member of the team of more than 25 projects. I have been visiting fellow at the University of Oxford, the Georgia Institute of Technology, the University of Colorado in Denver, Rutgers University and The Arizona State University.

I am currently the PI of the InnDoc Project “Careers of doctorate holders in Spain: sectors of employment, scientific and Innovation outputs and environment”, funded by the State Research Agency (AEI) PDI2023-149135NB-I00.

My findings have called into question the assumption that there are universal criteria or standards for evaluating and determining quality or value. My most recent contributions have delved into the differences by gender and between scientific areas, with important findings related to the interaction with other variables such as quality. My empirical studies have confirmed that there is no significant relationship between mobility (its absence) and scientific productivity in access to a first permanent position in the Spanish university, in the context of retention strategies within internal academic labor markets.

Acknowledging the relevance of the different institutional contexts of research production, I have also contributed to the field with theoretical and empirical research about different types of R&D organizations. I have worked on an institutionalist approach of the adaptation of R&D organizations to their normative and funding environments, based on the degree and type of autonomy that the centers enjoy with respect to the political system, and the researchers within their organizations, the nature individual incentives, and dependence on organizational and collective resources. This has enabled the production of typologies and taxonomies for the empirical testing of the hypotheses. Methodologically, in an area traditionally dominated by descriptive and cross-sectional approaches, I have introduced innovative methodologies and techniques, such as longitudinal event history analysis and field experiments, in order to generate robust knowledge about causal mechanisms.

I have continuously worked with international and national R&D institutions and international organizations in advisory and transfer of knowledge roles. I have collaborated as an expert and served in committees of the OECD, the European Commission, as well as with the Spanish Ministry of Science and some Regional Administrations. I have also collaborated with private foundations in issues related to innovation, research HHRR or the contribution universities to development, like the FECYT, the COTEC foundation, the Foundation La Caixa, or the Foundation CyD.

I am committed with the training of new generations. I have supervised four several doctoral dissertations in the last ten years, and the research training of several students in the more than 6 years that I served as Head of the Department of Science and Innovation of the CSIC Institute of Public Goods and Policies. I have also supported some Ramon y Cajal and Juan de la Cierva fellows in my research group, with whom I have collaborated and who are now engaged in successful professional careers in prestigious academic institutions, and in prominent positions within international bodies. I regularly collaborate with public and private funding agencies in the evaluation of grants and projects applications. I am engaged in public service for the profession in my roles of member of the Advisory Board of the RN 24 of the European Sociological Association, and as a regular peer reviewer for the most relevant academic journals in my field like Research Policy, Science and Public Policy, Research Evaluation, Minerva, Scientometrics, Quantitative Studies of Science, among others.

Specialization field
Social Sciences

Selected publications

Cruz-Castro, L., & Sanz-Menéndez, L. (2023). Gender bias in funding evaluation: A randomized experiment. Quantitative Science Studies, 4, 594-621.

Cruz-Castro, L., Ginther, D. K., & Sanz-Menéndez, L. (2023). Gender and underrepresented minorities differences in research funding. En B. Lepori, D. Hichs, & B. Jongbloed (Eds.), Handbook of Public Funding of Research ( , pp. 279-300).

Edward Elgar, Cruz-Castro, L., & Sanz-Menéndez, L. (2022). The Europeanisation of Spanish Science and Innovation Policies: From Inspiration to Substitution. En J. Arregui (Ed.), Europeanisation of Public Policies in Spain (pp. 131-152). McGraw Hill;

Cruz-Castro, Laura, & Sanz Menéndez, Luis (2021). «What should be rewarded? Gender and evaluation criteria for tenure and promotion» Journal of Informetrics, 15(3), 101196.

Castro, Laura, Martínez, C., Peñasco, C., & Sanz-Menéndez, L. (2020). «The classification of public research organizations: Taxonomical explorations» Research Evaluation vol.29 (4) 377-391.

Sanz-Menéndez, L. & L.Cruz-Castro. (2019). «The credibility of scientific communication sources regarding climate change: A population-based survey experiment» Public
understanding of Science.

Sanz-Menéndez, L. & L. Cruz-Castro. (2019). «University academics’ preferences for hiring and promotion systems». European Journal of Higher Education 9 (2)

Cruz-Castro, L. & Sanz-Menendez, L. (2018). "Autonomy and Authority in Public Research organizations: Structure and Funding factors". Minerva 56 (2): 135-160.

Cruz-Castro, L.; Holl, A.; Rama, R. & Sanz-Menendez, L. (2018). "Economic crisis and company R&D in Spain: do regional and policy factors matter? Industry and Innovation 25 (8): 729-751

Sanz-Menéndez L, Cruz-Castro L, and Alva K. (2013) "Time to Tenure in Spanish Universities: An Event History Analysis". PLoS ONE 8(10): e77028.

Jonkers, Koen; Cruz-Castro, Laura (2013) Research upon return: The effect of international mobility on scientific ties, production and impact. Research Policy 42 (2013) 1366-1377

Cruz-Castro, Laura; Luis Sanz-Menéndez (2010). “Mobility vs. job stability: Assessing tenure and productivity outcomes”. Research Policy 39(1), February 2010, pp. 27-38,

Sanz Menéndez Luis y Laura Cruz Castro (2003) “Coping with Environmental Pressures: Public Research Organisations Responses to Funding Crisis” en Research policy, vol.32.

    Datos tomados de la base de datos ConCiencia

    Cruz-Castro, L.; Holl, A.; Rama, R.; Sanz-Menéndez, L. (2018). Economic crisis and company R&D in Spain: do regional and policy factors matter?. Industry and Innovation, 25, 729-751.
    Laura Cruz Castro; Catalina Martinez; Cristina Peñasco; Luis Sanz Menendez (2020). The classification of public research organizations: Taxonomical explorations. Research Evaluation, 29, 377-391.
    Cruz-Castro, L.; Sanz-Menéndez, L. (2016). The effects of the economic crisis on public research: Spanish budgetary policies and research organizations. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 113, 157-167.
    Laura Cruz-Castro; Alberto Benitez-Amado; Luis Sanz-Menendez (2016). The proof of the pudding: University responses to the European Research Council. Research Evaluation, 25, 358-370.
    Cruz-Castro, L.; Jonkers, K.; Sanz-Menendez, L (2016). Internatonal mobility of Spanish Doctorate holders. En The Science and Technology Labor Force. The value of Doctorate Holders and Development of Professional careers. (pp. 171-192). Editorial: Springer.
    Laura Cruz Castro; Pablo Kreimer; Luis Sanz Menéndez (2016). Los cambios en los sistemas públicos de investigación de España y Argentina: El papel del CSIC y del CONICET en perspectiva comparada. En Mirada Iberoamericana a las Políticas de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (pp. 73-104). Editorial: Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO).