International Conference Border Transgressions: Mobility and Mobilization in Crisis
Jue, 08-05-2014; 00:00 hasta Vie, 09-05-2014; 00:00
Otras sedes
Lugar: Interdisciplinary Latin America Center. University of Bonn. Walter-Flex-Str. 3 (Bonn, Alemania)
En este seminario participa el día 8 de mayo a las 11:15 hrs. Juan Carlos Velasco (IFS, CCHS-CSIC) que intervendrá con la ponencia Access to citizenship and right to vote in a comparative perspective Germany/ Spain
The international conference on Border Transgressions: Mobility and Mobilization in Crisis aims at discussing from an interdisciplinary perspective how notions of belonging are (re)produced and reinforced by the media and how different forms of social, cultural and political mobilizations arise out of it. In particular, the questions are attended how agency is engendered by the use of media through migrants, how citizens’ participation is connected to socio-material relations and which power asymmetries are reflected within these relations.
Organiza: Interdisciplinary Latin America Center (University of Bonn)
Programa342.9 KB
Dpto. de Filosofía, Cultura y Sociedad
Filosofía Social y Política (FISOPOL)