Regional Workshop of the AURES Project: "Auctions for Renewable Energy Support in the EU"
Mar, 18-10-2016; 00:00
Sala Menéndez Pidal 0E18
Organiza: Pablo del Río (IPP, CCHS-CSIC), AURES Project y Asociación Española para la Economía Energética (AEEE)
Workshop de acceso restringido
10:00-10:15 Registration of participants and welcome coffee
10:15-10:30 Welcome by the project coordinator and quick overview of the AURES proyect, by Lena Kitzing (Danish Technical University - DTU)
11:15-12:00 Some lessons in the design and functioning of renewable energy auctions in the EU, by Pablo del Río (Head of Environmental Economics Group - IPP-CSIC)
12:00-13:30 Round table discussion on the present and future of renewable energy auctions in Spain and the EU
13:30 Final wrap-up
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Dpto. de Economía y Política
Grupo de Economía Ambiental (GEA)