Computational Methods for Agricultural Research: Advances and Applications
Despite currents migration trends towards population centers, agriculture remains one of the most important staples of human culture, as these centers are dependent on a constant food supply. Computational Methods for Agricultural Research: Advances and Applications brings computing solutions to ancient practices and modern concerns, sowing the seeds for a sustainable, constant food supply. This book treats subjects as old modeling 11ood patterns and predictiog potential climates to distinctly 21 st century topes such as pesticide leaching models and the impact of agricultural policy. All of these studies utilize cutting-edge computational techniques of interest to both academics and practitioners in agriculture but also computational modeling researchers, creating a reference practical signiticance.
Chapter 10 An Application of a Positive Mathematical Programming Model to Analyse the Impact of Agricultura] Policy Measures in the Spanish Agricultural Sector:
Lucinio Judez Asensio, ETSIA/UPM, Spain
Rosario de Andrés Gómez de Barreda, (IEGD-CCCHS) CSIC, Spain
Miguel Angel Ibáñez Ruiz, ETSIA/UPM, Spain
José-Luis Miguel de Diego, COAG, Spain
Elvira Urzainqui Miqueleiz, (IEGD-CCHS) CSIC, Spain