"Earthly Things". In celebration of Martin Rudwick's 90th birthday
Lugar: Trinity College (Cambridge, UK) y online a través de Zoom (enlace - Meeting ID: 967 7202 3698 - Passcode: 250555)
Participa en este homenaje a Martin Rudwick, el historiador de la geología y la paleontología por excelencia, Juan Pimentel (IH-CSIC): “The Rhinoceros and the Megatherium: Exotic fauna, extinct fauna, and the pleasures of imagination”
This paper is about two big quadrupeds: one living wonder, coming from the far East to Renaissance Lisbon, the other, a set of bare bones, coming from the deep past to an Enlightened cabinet of natural history in Madrid. As visual analogies are fundamental in the making of palaeontology, so too are they in the historiographical argument in this paper. Images and imagining pictures play a key role in order to see the unseen and “bursting the limits of time”, as Martin Rudwick, following Cuvier, put it.
Organiza: Prof. James Secord, Dr. Emma Spary y Prof. Sachiko Kusukawa (Trinity College)