Taller de Debate UNREST: "Exhumations and Memory in Contemporary Bosnia, Poland and Spain"

Vie, 23-03-2018; 00:00

Sala María Moliner 1F

Organiza: Proyecto UNREST. Paco Ferrándiz (ILLA, CCHS-CSIC) y Marije Hristova (ILLA, CCHS-CSIC)


Reproducción audiovisual de este evento: Canal Youtube del CCHS

Debate 1- The Impact of Mass Grave Exhumations on the Reinterpretation of the Past

Debate 2 - Mass Graves, Materiality and Memorial Cultures

Debate 3 - Exhumations and memory in comparative and transnational perspectives

4 - Conclusive Remarks

Taller de Debate UNREST: "Exhumations and Memory in Contemporary Bosnia, Poland and Spain"
Programa1.35 MB